Helpful links

New Mama trying to figure out what to put on your registry?  Babies 'R Us 400 item "must have" list has you overwhelmed?  Head to Lucie's List for an idea of what products are indeed necessary and what you shouldn't waste your time on.  No, you don't need 5 strollers.  This website is a nice starting point, but IMO it still includes some things that aren't entirely necessary, and please completely disregard the "Baby holders" section.  I will talk more about that on here later, and explain why the Bjorn is not a good option if you want to wear your baby.
This could be on the cloth diaper tab but since I can't take credit for it I will simply pass it along to you.  AlphaMom has a fantastic description of her experience with cloth diapers (mostly FuzziBunz and BumGenius pockets, which I don't own so I won't be doing any reviews on these)
How to fold a prefold: another link that could be on the cloth diaper tab - I used this video when I was pregnant and wondering what the heck to do with this rectangular piece of cotton and the ace bandage looking Snappi.  I've referenced this video a few times since then, so rather than creating my own video with my baby who isn't quite as well behaved in front of a camera, I'll refer you onwards.

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